History and background
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Further to references and technical reviews (Opinions), our warranty is an absolutely clean record, kept for a long time, and the respect inspired by all our international partners.

In its original Portuguese version, Decifra was launched in August, 1999, and for sale in Brazil only. In 6 months or so, we started our international operation, under a partnership agreement with a successful shareware service center, ShareIt, never interrupted since then. Following the success of our original version inside the Portuguese and Spanish speaking comunities all over the world, an English version was launched in the beginning of 2001.
By the end of 2002, a new version was almost simultaneously launched in Portuguese and in English. During all this time, we never had a single claim for refund or any other kind of relevant disappointment, neither published nor privately mentioned (ShareIt receives all international payments on our behalf and would surely confirm it).
Passwords are not provided "on-line", but ShareIt send us an immediate notice of any payment confirmation. Then, except for those notifications received during the night (roughly around 12:00 to 8:00, Brazilian time), passwords are tipically sent within 4 hours, frequently is less than 2 and only occasionally in more than 8 hours.

Last revision: January 20, 2007.