Ramirez E2 - Espanha
Multiple installations
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Ramirez E2 - Espanha

At any time, registered users can order additional installations of Decifra, up to a maximum of two. The objective is to increase the safety and flexibility of a single user (and close relatives) licence. At a reasonable total price, you can have a fully operational version in two or three computers, either in the same residence or, eventually, at your commercial office (for instance, to take advantage of better printers).

Two-computers licence = U$ 40
Three-computers licence = U$ 50

Stand-alone additional installation = U$ 15

The higher cost for stand-alone additional installations is exclusively related to transaction charges. Anyway, if you are planning to have them, it is obviously much more interesting to do it during your registration process.
While multiple computer codes are not included in our forms, please send additional codes by e-mail.

Last update: February 6, 2008.